
Welcome to DeMasi Schools

Our goal is to provide you with an overview of our school, programs, and extra-curricular activities. This site will keep you updated on various events/activities occurring within the school and district, as well as direct you to key personnel who will be happy to further assist you should questions still remain.

  DeMasi Schools Mascots. The Blue and white DeMasi Dinosaur and the DeMasi Dolphin.

Our Mission

The mission of DeMasi Schools is to create an environment that produces life-long constructive learners. To support this environment, learning must be interactive and social where parents, teachers and students become problem solvers moving toward responsible decision making within the school, community and beyond. In keeping with the district and school mission statements, we continue to promote and maintain a positive school climate and culture in our building that encourages civility, respect and caring. Click here to read our District Policy on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.


Anti-Bullying Information
In keeping with our mission statement, the Evesham Township School District continues to promote and maintain a positive school climate and culture at each of our schools that encourages civility, respect and caring. Click here to read our District Policy on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. To report an allegation of HIB, click on the designated link (Reporting Form for Parents/GuardiansReporting Form for School Employees/Contracted Providers), download and complete the form, save it, and send it to the school principal. Click here for more information on the district's Anti-Bullying Program and additional resources on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Prevention.

Annual District and School Grades Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
All schools are required by the state to annually complete a Self-Assessment in order to assist the state in determining school and district compliance in implementing the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR) Act. Click here to review the most recent presentation that was provided to the board outlining the process and summary results for 2022-2023. The last official report was released by the state in May of 2024. Annual data is used to assign school and district grades. The school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings for all indicators within each core element on the Self-Assessment. The maximum total score for a school is 78 points. The district’s grade is an average of the total scores of all schools in the district. Click here to view the latest state report that includes all school and district grades. In order to foster safe and positive learning conditions for students, this data, along with feedback from School and District Safety Teams, is used as part of an integrated process for reinforcing and strengthening our school and district climate and culture. 


School Contacts

Demasi Schools
199 Evesboro-Medford Road
Beverly Green
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2711
Green House VP:
Gaeton Lucibello
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2721
Red House VP:
Pat Bree
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2731
School Nurse:
Allison Balmer
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2703
Front Office Secretary:
Monica Church
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2700
Elementary Secretary AM:
Maria Mannino
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2710
Elementary Secretary PM:
Chantel Schneider
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2710
DMS Anti-Bullying Specialist:
Beth Mikolajczyk
DeMasi Middle School Counselor
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2722
DES Anti-Bullying Specialist:
Rebecca White
DES Counselor
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2712
DMS Anti-Bullying Specialist:
Matthew Robinson
DMS Anti-Bullying Specialist
(856) 988-0777, ext. 2732
ETSD Anti-Bullying Coordinator:
Danielle Magulick
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
856-983-1800, ext. 5050
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