
Information About Medication in School

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our Medication Policy encourages parents to administer all medications at home. However, it is recognized that children with chronic illnesses and conditions, specific disabilities, and certain special circumstances may require medication during the school day. The school nurses are desirous of meeting these needs in the highest professional manner.

In order for a medication to be administered by the school nurse, it is required that both a physician's order and a written parental consent accompany all medication, both prescription and non-prescription (including over-the-counter drugs, such as Tylenol, Advil, cough syrup, etc.).

All medication must be brought to the school by the parent and delivered to the Nurse's Office. Prescription medication must be in the pharmacy container, clearly labeled with the child's name, name of the medication, drug store where purchased, name of prescribing physician, and the time and amount of medication to be given. Your pharmacy will give you an extra labeled container for school if needed.

Over the counter medication must be in its original container. Please do not bring medication to school in plastic bags or envelopes - the nurse cannot accept these.

No child of any age is permitted to carry medication in school, with the exception of inhalers and epinephrine injectors, for which a special form must be completed.

This policy is consistent with the standards and practices of nursing and the policy of our school system. It is also a safety precaution for the well-being of your child and others.

Medication forms are available in the Nurse's Office or on the district website. The physician's order section should be completed by the physician only. A note written by the physician along with a separate parent permission note is also acceptable, instead of the form. A note may be faxed directly from the doctor's office to the school nurse.

I greatly appreciate your support. You may call me for additional explanations or assistance.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Ms. Allison Balmer RN

School Nurse

Phone 856-988-0777 ext 2703 Fax 856-596-4496

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